SP 1128 - Antique Matte Green

102,00 TL
Stok Kodu
85,00 TL + KDV
* 10,92 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!
Weight (Grams)
SP 1128 - Antique Matte Green
It has a wide melting inventory.
It can be applied between 1200 – 1220 °C .
The experiments were carried out on stoneware and vitrified sludge produced by us.
It is shipped as liquid.
Suitable for contact with food.
  • It is suitable for application with a brush.
  • You can adjust the density by adding 5-10% water in methods such as airbrushing, pouring, and dipping. For these methods, the secrets sent will be dense.
  • For our customers who will use our glazes for the first time, we recommend that they make trial plates. It will be important to see results in your own baking regimen and your own application style.
  • For industrial purchases, you can contact our company.
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Görüş ve önerileriniz için teşekkür ederiz.
SP 1128 - Antique Matte Green AHNRYZ78
SP 1128 - Antique Matte Green
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